I'm glad to be back - how are you?

It is well over a year since my last post and I didn't even say I was taking a break! - probably because I didn't know myself.

It has been a busy couple of years for my family and I. We had a baby boy in February and made the decision a few months ago to move back to Scotland where I am from. We arrived a month ago and have already put an offer in on a house. 

It's funny how things turn out, it took us a long time to get around to any major life events and then we got married, had a baby, moved country and are in the process of buying a house all in the space of just over a year. Most of my friend's bought their first property around 10 years ago and so it has taken us a while to get on the property ladder but I have always wanted to put my own stamp on a place. This will come as no surprise to anyone who read this blog a few years ago - I was an interior design nut with no interior to design!

Anyway, I decided - what better time to return to the blog than now. You can follow my home improvement journey and hopefully I will be able to provide some decent before and after pictures. We don't have the keys yet so it may be some time before I can take any before photos but in the meantime I can start to share some inspiration with you that will hopefully influence the look and feel of our home.

I'm glad to be back - how are you?


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